DFSDM Linux driver

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Article purpose

本文的目的是介绍用于DFSDM internal peripheral的Linux®驱动程序:

  • 驱动程序支持哪些DFSDM功能
  • 如何配置,使用和调试它
  • 驱动程序的结构是什么,在哪里可以找到源代码。

Short Description

DFSDM Linux®驱动程序(内核空间)基于 IIOALSA框架。 它提供多种模式:

  1. IIO直接模式: 在一个频道上进行单次捕获
  2. IIO软件缓冲区: 捕获一个或多个频道
  3. IIO触发缓冲模式:使用触发器在一个或多个通道上捕获
    它使用IIO中可用的硬件触发器。请参见TIM Linux driver and LPTIM Linux driver.

它提供了扩展的API[1] for audio usage which allows ,它允许通过SPI接口捕获PDM麦克风


Kernel configuration

通过使用menuconfig 工具,在内核配置中激活DFSDMLinux®驱动程序。

IIO driver


Device Drivers  --->
   <*> Industrial I/O support  --->
      Analog to digital converters  --->
         <*> STMicroelectronics STM32 dfsdm adc
         <*>   STMicroelectronics STM32 adc                        # DFSDM ADC IIO driver

使用DFSDM ADC IIO驱动程序(仅限)时,用户还必须使能外部模拟前端的驱动程序(例如Sigma Delta调制器)。 例如,可以使用通用sigma delta调制器驱动程序(CONFIG_SD_ADC_MODULATOR):

Device Drivers  --->
   <*> Industrial I/O support  --->
      Analog to digital converters  --->
         <*> Generic sigma delta modulator                         # sigma delta modulator driver

Audio driver


Device Drivers  --->
   <*> Sound card support  --->
      <*>   Advanced Linux Sound Architecture  --->
         <*>   ALSA for SoC audio support  --->
            STMicroelectronics STM32 SOC audio support  --->
               <*> SoC Audio support for STM32 DFSDM               # DFSDM Audio driver for digital microphone capture

Device tree

配置DFSDM Linux内核驱动程序时,请参考DFSDM device tree configuration 文章。

How to use

IIO driver

在 "'IIO直接模式"中,可以直接从sysfs中读取转换结果,请参见: How to do a simple ADC conversion using the sysfs interface.

在“IIO触发缓冲区模式”中,必须先使用sysfs来执行配置。 然后,使用字符设备(/dev/io:deviceX)读取数据,参见 For information on the standard IIO consumer interface, please refer to How to use IIO kernel API 给出了IIO使用者内核API的示例。

Audio driver

可以通过ALSA设备从用户域访问DFSDM Linux驱动程序。 有关如何列出和使用ALSA设备的信息,请参考ALSA overview

How to trace and debug

How to monitor

The DFSDM driver uses resources such as clocks and GPIOs.

How to monitor with debugfs

The DFSDM registers are accessed using REGMAP by DFSDM Linux® driver.

It comes with 调试文件系统(debugfs) entries to dump registers:

$ cd /sys/kernel/debug/regmap/4400d000.dfsdm/
$ cat registers
000: 00000000
004: 00000000
008: 00000000

Other ways to monitor

  • Man can check the DFSDM interrupts and/or the DFSDM DMA interrupts:
$ cat /proc/interrupts
           CPU0       CPU1
 99:          0          0     GIC-0 142 Level     4400d000.dfsdm:filter@0
100:          0          0     GIC-0 143 Level     4400d000.dfsdm:filter@1
101:          0          0     GIC-0 144 Level     4400d000.dfsdm:filter@2

How to trace

IIO driver

Refer to How to trace with dynamic debug for how to enable the debug logs in the driver and in the framework.

Board $> dmesg -n8
Board $> echo "file drivers/iio/adc/stm32-dfsdm* +p" > /sys/kernel/debug/dynamic_debug/control

To enable dynamic debug at boot time, append the following arguments on the kernel command line:

loglevel=8 dyndbg="file drivers/iio/adc/stm32-dfsdm* +p"

Audio driver

Refer to ALSA_overview#How_to_trace for details on trace tools.

How to debug

Audio driver

Refer to ALSA_overview#How_to_debug for details on debugging tools.

Source code location

It is composed of:

See also sigma delta modulator driver: