STM32MP15 Evaluation boards - getting started
The STM32MP15x-EV1 Evaluation boards ({{#vardefine:info|}}{{#vardefine:typ|}}{{#vardefine:info|}}STM32MP157A-EV1{{#var:typ}} {{#var:info}}, {{#vardefine:info|}}{{#vardefine:typ|}}{{#vardefine:info|
}}STM32MP157D-EV1{{#var:typ}} {{#var:info}}, {{#vardefine:info|}}{{#vardefine:typ|}}{{#vardefine:info|
}}STM32MP157C-EV1{{#var:typ}} {{#var:info}} and {{#vardefine:info|}}{{#vardefine:typ|}}{{#vardefine:info|
}}STM32MP157F-EV1{{#var:typ}} {{#var:info}}) are high-end development platforms for STM32MP15 microprocessor devices.
This article gives links to the main articles relevant to starting with these boards.
Supported software distributions
Two software distributions are supported in these boards:
- The STM32MPU Embedded Software distribution[1]. You might also take a look at the latest STM32MP15 ecosystem release note
- The STM32MPU Embedded Software distribution for Android[2]
For each distribution, three software Packages are delivered : the Starter Package, the Developer Package, the Distribution Package.
Note that the Which Package better suits your needs article provides hints for choosing between these Packages.
These Packages provide you with the software packages (image, source code) and the tools that are needed to start using the STM32MP157x-EV1 Evaluation boards.
50px STM32MPU Embedded Software distribution[1] | ||
Starter Package | Developer Package | Distribution Package |
Note: these developments require a host PC running the OpenSTLinux SDK, and optionally an IDE |
30px STM32MPU Embedded Software distribution for Android[2] | ||
Starter Package | Developer Package | Distribution Package |
Hardware description
The article linked below briefly describes the board, and helps to understand how to:
- assemble the board
- configure hardware jumpers and switches
- connect the board to external material
It also contains a short introduction of the board hardware components and connectors.
Board description |
<securetransclude src="ProtectedTemplate:ReviewsComments" params="File to be reviewed by the marketing communication team"></securetransclude>{{#set:Has reviews comments=true}}
<securetransclude src="ProtectedTemplate:PublicationRequestId" params="7654 | 2018-06-08 | PhilipS"></securetransclude>