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Zhouyuebiao讨论 | 贡献2020年1月7日 (二) 10:16的版本
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 [ ] axfs root filesystem
 [ ] cloop root filesystem for the target device
 [*] cpio the root filesystem (for use as an initial RAM filesystem)
       Compression method (gzip)  --->
 [*]   Create U-Boot image of the root filesystem
 [ ] cramfs root filesystem
 [*] ext2/3/4 root filesystem
       ext2/3/4 variant (ext4)  --->
 ()    filesystem label
 (300M) exact size
 (0)   exact number of inodes (leave at 0 for auto calculation)
 (5)   reserved blocks percentage
 (-O ^64bit) additional mke2fs options
       Compression method (no compression)  --->
 [ ] initial RAM filesystem linked into linux kernel
 [ ] jffs2 root filesystem
 [ ] romfs root filesystem
 [ ] squashfs root filesystem
 [*] tar the root filesystem
       Compression method (gzip)  --->
 ()    other random options to pass to tar
 [ ] ubi image containing an ubifs root filesystem
 [ ] ubifs root filesystem
 [ ] yaffs2 root filesystem