Buildroot Toolchain

来自百问网嵌入式Linux wiki
Wiki讨论 | 贡献2019年1月10日 (四) 10:08的版本


Toolchain type (External toolchain) --->

 ( ) Buildroot toolchain
 ( ) External toolchain


(X) External toolchain


  Toolchain type (External toolchain)  --->                                                                                          		 
      *** Toolchain External Options ***                                                                                                  
      Toolchain (Custom toolchain)  --->                                                                                                  
      Toolchain origin (Toolchain to be downloaded and installed)  --->                                                                   
  ($(ARCH)-linux-gnueabihf) Toolchain prefix                                                                                              
      External toolchain gcc version (5.x)  --->                                                                                          
      External toolchain kernel headers series (4.0.x)  --->                                                                              
      External toolchain C library (glibc/eglibc)  --->                                                                                   
  [*] Toolchain has SSP support?                                                                                                          
  [*] Toolchain has RPC support?                                                                                                          
  [*] Toolchain has C++ support?                                                                                                          
  ()  Extra toolchain libraries to be copied to target                                                                                    
  [ ] Copy gdb server to the Target                                                                                                       
      *** Host GDB Options ***                                                                                                            
  [ ] Build cross gdb for the host                                                                                                        
      *** Toolchain Generic Options ***                                                                                                   
  [ ] Copy gconv libraries                                                                                                                
  [*] Enable MMU support                                                                                                                  
  ()  Target Optimizations                                                                                                                
  ()  Target linker options                                                                                                               
  [ ] Register toolchain within Eclipse Buildroot plug-in


(X) Buildroot toolchain

   Toolchain type (Buildroot toolchain)  --->
     *** Toolchain Buildroot Options ***
 (100ask) custom toolchain vendor name
     C library (glibc)  --->
     *** Kernel Header Options ***
     Kernel Headers (Same as kernel being built)  --->
     Custom kernel headers series (4.1.x)  --->
     glibc version (2.23)  --->
     *** Binutils Options ***
     Binutils Version (binutils 2.26.1)  --->
 ()  Additional binutils options
     *** GCC Options ***
     GCC compiler Version (gcc 5.x)  --->
 ()  Additional gcc options
 [*] Enable C++ support
 [ ] Enable Fortran support
 [ ] Enable compiler link-time-optimization support
 [ ] Enable compiler OpenMP support
 [ ] Enable graphite support
     *** Host GDB Options ***
 [ ] Build cross gdb for the host
     *** Toolchain Generic Options ***
 [ ] Copy gconv libraries
 [*] Enable MMU support
 ()  Target Optimizations
 ()  Target linker options
 [ ] Register toolchain within Eclipse Buildroot plug-in



 Toolchain type:Buildroot提供两种方式使用toolchain
     external toolthain:非Buildroot提供的交叉编译器
     Buildroot toolchain:Buildroot本身编译生成的Buildroot toolchain,直接选择此项
 custom toolchain vendor name:填上S3C2440
 C library:C库选择,选择 glibc
 Kernel Headers:内核头文件,Linux 4.9.x kernel headers
 glibc version:glibc版本选择,2.24
 Binutils Version:binutils版本:2.27
 Additional binutils options:附加的 binutils 选择,不填即可
 GCC compiler Version:GCC版本选择,gcc 6.x
 Additional gcc options:附件的GCC选项,不填写即可
 Enable C++ support:使能C++支持,选上
 Enable Fortran support:使能Fortran语言支持,不选
 Enable compiler link-time-optimization support:是否支持LTO,不选,LTO是什么:
 Enable compiler OpenMP support:支持OpenMP?OpenMP用于共享内存并行系统的多处理器程序设计,OpenMP并不适合需要复杂的线程间同步和互斥的场合,OpenMp的另一个缺点是不能在非共享内存系统(如计算机集群)上使用。不选择
 Enable graphite support :是否支持graphite。Graphite是应用WEB应用的一套开源的编程接口。不选择。具体看百度百科:
 Build cross gdb for the host:主机上运行gdb进行调试,不选
 Copy gconv libraries:拷贝 gconv库,gconv库用于在不同字符集之间进行转换。默认不选即可
 Enable MMU support:使能 MMU,S3C2440支持MMU,选上
 Target Optimizations:不选
 Target linker options:不选
 Register toolchain within Eclipse Buildroot plug-in:eclipse插件支持,不选
