Buildroot SystemConfiguration

来自百问网嵌入式Linux wiki
Wiki讨论 | 贡献2019年1月9日 (三) 15:58的版本


System configuration --->

  Root FS skeleton (default target skeleton)  --->                                        
  (mini437x) System hostname                                                             
  (Welcome to Mini437x) System banner                                                    
      Passwords encoding (md5)  --->                                                     
      Init system (systemV)  --->                                                        
      /dev management (Dynamic using devtmpfs + mdev)  --->                              
  (system/device_table.txt) Path to the permission tables                                
  [ ] support extended attributes in device tables                                       
  [ ] Use symlinks to /usr for /bin, /sbin and /lib                                      
  [*] Enable root login with password                                                    
  ()    Root password                                                                    
      /bin/sh (bash)  --->                                                               
  [*] Run a getty (login prompt) after boot  --->                                        
  [*] remount root filesystem read-write during boot                                     
  (eth0) Network interface to configure through DHCP                                     
  [*] Purge unwanted locales                                                             
  (C en_US) Locales to keep                                                              
  ()  Generate locale data                                                               
  [ ] Enable Native Language Support (NLS)                                               
  -*- Install timezone info                                                              
  (default) timezone list                                                                
  (Etc/UTC) default local time                                                           
  ()  Path to the users tables                                                           
  (board/mini437x/rootfs-overlay) Root filesystem overlay directories                    
  (board/mini437x/ Custom scripts to run before creating filesystem images 
  ()  Custom scripts to run inside the fakeroot environment                              
  (board/mini437x/ Custom scripts to run after creating filesystem images  
  ()    Extra arguments passed to custom scripts


 /dev management (Dynamic using devtmpfs + mdev)  ---> 
  • 配置为动态使用devtmpfs + mdev


  (mini437x) System hostname
  • 设置主机名,作用是,在一个局域网中,每台机器都有一个主机名,用于主机与主机之间的便于区分,就可以为每台机器设置主机名,以便于以容易记忆的方法来相互访问。
  (Welcome to Mini437x) System banner
  • 登陆界面前的欢迎信息!
      Passwords encoding (md5)  --->   
  • 密码的加密方式!
  [*] Enable root login with password
  • 是否启用root用户并用密码登陆?
  ()    Root password
  • 设置root密码,这里设置的是空,大家可以根据自己需求设定!


[*] Run a getty (login prompt) after boot --->

 --- Run a getty (login prompt) after boot
 (ttyS0) TTY port
       Baudrate (keep kernel default)  --->
 (vt100) TERM environment variable
 ()    other options to pass to getty

1.TTY port指的是串口号,这个要与内核中的配置一致!
2.Baudrate (keep kernel default)这个保持默认即可!
3.(vt100) TERM environment variable终端环境变量,VT100是一个终端类型定义,VT100控制码是用来在终端扩展显示的代码。默认即可!


 (board/mini437x/rootfs-overlay) Root filesystem overlay directories 
  • 根文件系统目录覆盖,主要是添加一些自己的bin文件,库,以及一些配置文件,其中board/mini437x/rootfs-overlay 是根文件系统目录覆盖文件的所在位置
 (board/mini437x/ Custom scripts to run before creating filesystem images
  • 在创建文件系统映像之前运行的自定义脚本,拷贝一些必须要的文件到目录
 ()Custom scripts to run inside the fakeroot environment
 (board/mini437x/ Custom scripts to run after creating filesystem images
  • 创建文件系统映像后运行的自定义脚本,主要是拷贝一些文件,并按照自己的分区格式进行分区格式化!


System configuration:系统配置

 Root FS skeleton:
 System hostname:填写JZ2440 
 System banner
 Passwords encoding
 Init system:系统初始化,选择 BusyBox
 /dev management:设备文件管理,选择Dynamic using devtmpfs + mdev,即使用mdev动态加载设备节点的方式
 Path to the permission tables:设备节点的配置表设置,一定要选择system/device_table_dev.txt,否则后面在dev目录下将不会生成各种设备节点。当然我们也可以手动的配置该文件,添加必要的节点或删除不需要的节点。
 support extended attributes in device tables
 Use symlinks to /usr for /bin, /sbin and /lib
 Enable root login with password
 Root password:进入linux控制台终端后的密码,为空则登录时不需要密码,默认登录用户名为root。为空。
 /bin/sh (busybox' default shell)
 Run a getty (login prompt) after boot:保持默认,默认为选中。
     TTY port:配置为 ttySAC3
     Baudrate :波特率,配置为 115200
     TERM environment variable:默认即可
     other options to pass to getty:默认即可
 remount root filesystem read-write during boot
 Network interface to configure through DHCP
 Purge unwanted locales
 Locales to keep
 Generate locale data
 Install timezone info
 Path to the users tables
 Root filesystem overlay directories:
 Custom scripts to run before creating filesystem images
 Custom scripts to run inside the fakeroot environment
 Custom scripts to run after creating filesystem images